Sunday, March 16, 2014

Having a wise heart

Teach us to number our days," wrote the Psalmist in the 90th Psalm, " that we may gain a wise heart."  I love that idea and I want to continually work to have a wise heart.  A wise heart is, I think, a heart with compassion and love and grace.  We began worship today thinking about Peter, who went through remarkable transformation.  He began as a fisherman.  He then became a fisher of men and women.  He was next promoted to the keeper of the keys of the kingdom because of his confession that Jesus was the Christ, when Jesus asked, "Who do you say that I am?  Peter's ultimate promotion was to the role of shepherd. This statue depicts that moment, when on the beach on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus told Peter to "Feed my lambs, tend my sheep." Even as Peter was commissioned to be a shepherd, so too are we to be shepherds with wise hearts.

It seemed therefore appropriate that lunch would be the regional favorite-Saint Peter's fish.

The afternoon included relaxing free time and for those who chose to go- a swim in the thermal hot springs at Hamat Gader.

We have now, like Jesus, "Set our face to Jerusalem". We head south tomorrow.



  1. I think Peter should be dubbed the patron saint of internet dating sites since he represents being a fisher of men and women.

  2. Your blog is great and I wish I could have a wise heart as opposed to a wise posterior. :) Love the posts!
